We're now getting sued by Dovile/Divine who says we didn't remove her images and videos from our servers when she asked us too.
Here is a copy of what I posted on the 27th of fab 2012:
"We're going to remove all cards, videos and pictures of divine at the end of this week from virtuagirl.com.
She contacted us repetitively to have her images removed and we decided to do so while we negotiate with her.
In certain cases, we believe in giving a model a chance to erase her past when her experience in the adult industry has been limited and her request is not motivated by money at all.
If you own cards from her they won't be removed from your collection, they just won't be available for download anymore.
If you downloaded photos from her, we won't ask you to erase them, but they won't be available for download anymore as well.
This will take effect at the end of this week."
I would need you to testify in this thread that we indeed removed her images and videos when asked. Please refrain from commenting about her actions of what you think of the case and stick to the facts as editing long threads digressing on various subjects does not help :) Thank you.