Totem has shown us a demo of the Full overview that features more than One clip.
It's the Same Size that is in the GUI now, but It rotates among all of the Demo clips for the Given Card.
Right Now, the concern is the amount of Bandwidth that will be Consumed by Downloading more than One Demo per card Viewed.
Personally, I liked the New overview with all of the Demos played in Rotation.
Maybe Totem is Working On a Smaller Animation Size Just for these.
As it is, they are using the Full size Demo file, and just Displaying it in a Reduced Size.
If they Re-Encode the Demo's in a smaller size just for this purpose, they Could Save hug amounts of Bandwidth.
So in conclusion. The Current Overview with just a single demo, is not up to snuff..
The New Overview utilizing all of the Demo's I think would be more accepted by all.