Personally,although a disturbing thing to say. I don`t mind sucking up.We read a lot of things here,that are,maybe true,but sometimes unchangeable.That are said, with a tint of dessension.And we try to understand,the different veiw points of things.And sympathize..I think we`re all honestly concerned.I have freinds that are into sports.And know everything there is to know, about every player and every team.And spend money,on it.And I really don`t care about,any of it.I watch football and baseball.And I root for who ever has the ball.and is doing something with it.To win the game..They have sports..And I create backround music.For at least 15 years.I have hundreds of songs.Dinner music and rock and roll. With a thing called MIDI.And I am a one man band.I practice playing and singing to the dancers.They are compelled to dance to my music.And they like my singing..I can did walk off the stage..But that was Divine..She likes to do that..But most of them stay..And I also like all the pictures and wallpaper,I stole...And the funniest things imaginable,are on these pages.By some really talented people..All in all,its good here.Like any family,or group.There are moments..But we go on..Maybe I`m not sucking up.I`m just FESSIN UP...Ya,thats better...NEXT !!!