Depends on the show you are watching.
The girls that move a bit more need faster paced music, and the girls the move a little on the slower side, need slower music.
However, if you are just looking for some general titles...I use some of the following...
Ragdoll by Aerosmith
Venus by Bananarama
Eternal Flame by the Bangles
Take my Breath Away by Berlin
Principles of Lust by Enigma
Girls, Girls, Girls by Motley Crue
Erotica by Madonna
(yeah, I know, a lot of 80's music...hey, that is when I grew up)
Really though, just about anything will work as long as the tempo is right for the show.
Oh, there is one other that is really good for some of the shows...
Dude(looks like a lady) by Aerosmith...Even though I own all of the shows, doesn't mean I like all of the shows/girls. :D