I have been here on VGHD for sometime now and I seen a lot of changes. I was here when the calendar got switched, I was here when new cards got offered at 1 ticket with a limited amount( Have to say that insane and also fun),and some other stuff I can't remember. I recently bought some of the new high number cards and I'm amazed at the quality of the clips now. To be honest,the first thing that went through my mind was totem sued that other company and had access to their cards. The color is so vivid and glowing. Dominno is my favorite card now and probably for the foreseeable future. The software was always ahead of the video animation of the cards well now the cards are ahead of the software and totem needs to get its game face on. I was about to call it quits but after seeing these new cards I think I will hang around a little longer. Totem has a unique product but I would ***** to see it collapse because of lackluster software.