Installiere iStripper und erhalte diese exklusive, erotische Show von Irina Gubeva.
Kostenfreier Download REGISSEUR (Oliver Nanto): "Irina arrives in the world of IStripper by the big door. This sublime french girl is a top model who wanted to try her hand at the video strip. A chill atmosphere, with tips of shoulder and breasts that appear before the full strip. This girl is a wonder (and a very kind and funny person on the top of that)"
Welche Deppen sind auf die Idee gekommen, dass man erst "vollständig" nackt sei, wenn man die Beine breit macht?
Total 24 clips divided in Standing 7, Pole 7, Behind TB 3 and On TB 7. No touching/rubbing. Bare feet in part of all cliptypes. Starting Nude (no panties) one Pole and two TB clips.
Starting Real Full Nude (wearing nothing) one Standing, one Pole and one TB clip.
Irina is a very good looking model, both face and body. She is the girlish type, in this show accentuated by the chosen outfit. It reminded me of Leona Mia’s card e1160/Little
Dream with the simplicity of a sweater (instead of Leona Mia’s boys shirt), the normal, white cotton panties and the woolen socks. The created image was perfect! With the
maximum level of “Nudity” this show is approved by priests, pastors, imams, rabbi’s and rtigerpaul (God be praised in all things).
You enter a shop and buy a beer of 0.0% *****. Then you start ***** that the beer has no *****. Who bought the beer? Like @Celine wrote: “She (Irina) started to pose
as a art nude model..” and the level of this show is indicated as “Nudity” and not “Full Nudity”.
In Standing and Pole clips Irina does something between a dance and sexy walking. She has pleasure and her routine is at least on the level of most models, in parts of the show
even sprankling. For me it’s always very sexy viewing a model move across the stage in just cotton panties.
It’s endearing and a show on it’s own to see how her hands are hiding the nether regions, while having to chose between brushing her hair and cover her intimacy with her hands.
This all makes Irina even more girlish! In the TB clips very nice and amusing facial expressions.
The rating: Standing 4,5 (dance + walking), Pole 4,5 (moves well around the Pole, no specail skills) Taskbar 4,5 (variation in facial expressions), Beauty 5 (face, body) and Outfit 5
(girlish, cotton panties). Total 23,5/5 = 4,7 ---> 4,5 stars. Remains the question how it would be if Irina had played with her undoubtedly very juicy lips.
As Song of the Show “Peggy Sue” by Buddy Holly (of the times when girls were girls): “If you knew Peggy Sue – Then you'd know why I feel blue – Without Peggy, my Peggy
Sue – Oh well, I love you, gal – Yes, I love you Peggy Sue – Peggy Sue, Peggy Sue – Oh, how my heart yearns for you – Oh, Peggy, my Peggy Sue – Oh well, I love you, gal.. .”
Beautiful girl with no distracting tattoos, but no spreading of any kind. Full view of her butt in the show, but none in the photo set. Photo set is very lame and tame.
Not sure if I will buy future cards of this model...I am sure I will not be buying a full set.
This brings us to The Hand. A ***** obvious theme in Gubeva's cards is that she desparately wants to avoid exposing her labia. This in and of itself is not a problem in my perspective. I'm not particularly drawn to the sight of vulvas anyway so if a performer doesn't show it's not a barrier to a good show.
The problem with The Hand is that it draws attention exactly where Gubeva does not want it. After a certain point, even I started focussing on her pubic region just to see if I could get an accidental glimpse of her labia. So I can imagine the frustration of the parts of her audience that are drawn to the sight of vulvas.
Here, a comparison with Celia Clay, whose cards were released contemporaneously with Gubeva's, may be useful. Like Gubeva, Clay also avoids exposing her labia. But Clay does this by primarily by drawing the audience's attention to other parts of ther body. When Clay does use her hand, she is not blatant about it, so the effect is that what she is doing is an integrated part of the show. With more experience and confidence, Gubeva could learn to do the same and her shows will be much better for it.
For those who say there's no full nudity and she hides everything, after previews have been deleted, #10 - Table - Nudity shows her fully nude, #14 - Pole - Nudity starts her out nude with just socks on which she takes off fairly quickly so turns into full nudity, #15 - Table - Nudity starts her out nude with just socks on which she QUICKLY takes off so turns to fully nude very swift, #16 - Standing - Nude shows her fully nude, #17 - Pole - Nudity shows her fully nude, #18 - Table - Nudity shows her fully nude and these are JUST the clips that START HER OUT FULLY NUDE.. not any others where she strips down.
So if you cannot see any full nudity perhaps it has been blocked by your ISP by your country I know that has been a problem with a few friends of mine with some recent laws they have passed in some countries and with certain ISP's.
So this is considered misinformation and she's an awesome girl so, give her a download and don't listen to others that wanna dog her card with information that is inaccurate and untrue....
ALSO - I cannot get over how beautiful and fantastic this girl is, I LOVE the wholesome vibe about her, the playfullness, those that say "too shy" obviously don't know the difference between those two words and "shy", she clearly is not shy at all and people would obviously and plainly see this if they bothered watching all her clips (which I have :D)
I miss how this company used to bring out cards like this. Now all you see is dildos and vibrators, like Kitana, I had such high hopes for her only to see her literally boinking herself 100% of her very short clips to begin with.
So THIS beauty is a very refreshing step in the RIGHT direction if I may say so myself!
Anyone can boink themselves with a toy while looking like a cheap 2 cent you-know-what.
That isn't what this program used to stand for.
I for one LOVE this card and the fact it isnt a bunch of obsene mindless boinking...
As for Irina herself, she's one who has what I like, natural beauty with no silicon nor ink added. I don't remember many French girls lately, but I hope there can be more like her. IMHO, she has considerable resemblance to French supermodel Laetitia Casta. However, it gave me another dose of feel old to realize that she was not even born until a few years after Laetitia had made the scene.
To sum up, here's proof that an iStripper girl does not have to spread and be XXX to be a 5 star in my book. Irina, welcome to my auto download list.
7 pole clips, 7 standing, 7 on the table and 3 behind it. 3min full strips. No full nudity. No swing, glass or in-out. Sequential short clips including nude-start clips and bare feet in all formats (she strips the socks in each format). Basically this show is 3 sequences of 6 short clips in each format, plus the full strip and short clips behind the table. There’s little variety in order of stripping and the Bridget Jones pants are almost always last. I wonder if this was a warm-up show, to get her used to it and we’ll see more variety later. She seems to have got the idea easily enough, so a few toys and some humour might have enlivened it a bit (whatever happened to teddy bears?).
Technically, this show is very good, with a clean cut-out, no flickering and soft lighting. The rather hideous cardigan is sometimes worn with a button undone, giving us occasional flashes of nipple. The informal costume fits with the light make-up, but perhaps isn’t to everybody’s taste – I became obsessed with the faulty knitting. Irina is exceptionally lovely and has a nice figure, but needs to spice the show up a bit with more variety in her dancing and a bit less speed, plus more expressive acting and, for me at least, more overt sensuality.
But while she takes everything off, she keeps them covered all the time. So take note of that.
Some pussy would be apreciated.
One of the most Beautiful Women on istripper.
I Hope we will get to see more from Irina.
Made my day, specially looks it is her first card.
Hopeful, because she is very lovely .
But those are close to grannie panties.
Wait and see .
Thanks Totem.
She needs to be more loose and free to express a part of the beauty she keeps hiding.
Or is it just a tease?
Love the home-like clothes.
Dommage pour les shows courts et puérils!
Faut-il avoir honte de sa beauté?
A partir du moment où je n'ai pas honte de ma queue pourqoui la câcher raide ou flasque..Ceci en parenthèse...
Sorry, but again a model that does not reveal everything. It's becoming a bit too much of a habit.