Personally I don't like for EPOCH for other reasons as well. I briefly subscribed to another site just to see something and then all of a subdden I had this scam running where I was beening debited each month for something I had not subscribed to. TotenRex explained it to me and I had it stopped & the payments refunded by my Bank. However the scam were being processed through EPOCH, I can't say that they were in on the scam, but it makes me wary.
What you could do is cancel the EPOCH subscription, which will in turn cancel your VGHD account. Resign up with a new account using CCBill.
After doing that contact the Totem support centre & ask that they link the two accounts. That way youy can use the cards from the initial account together with the new account. If you like you can send of a query to totem via the help area, saying what you intend to do and ask them to confirm if that is still the best course of action.