When I click the comments from the preview card I get a network error (10401) - latest mac version
When I click the comments from the preview card I get a network error (10401) - latest mac versionSame. When I click on the comments for any card, I get this error.Also seems to go crazy when I try 'Synchronise with servers' - and fails to return to forum.Windows 10.
I'm *****. I seem to be running 1.2.552 (build 1000) /64 bits/Qt 5.15.13 on my iMac. Are we going back one version?
In Settings, at the Bottom, there is a Dropdown to select your Version Type.
you can Select Stable, Beta, or Experimental
Each Branch has it's Own Version Number and a ( build number )
It seems this new update has broken something. My account shows that I'm currently a premium member through October 17th, but I'm showing up as being a regular member as of this morning. That's in the client and account settings.
Just updated to this version, after about 5-10 mins or so of using new verion it closes for no reason
I can't sinchronize with servers anymore....can't access to collection or the store.....
When I go to choose a new Premium tier, the Proceed to Payment button refuses to go active and let me click it
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