Hello Team Totem. Why are you releasing 3 SEC cards in one day?I have loved and supported Virtuagirl / StripSaver / iStripper since the beginning, but I have to say that I have really disliked your implementation of gambling style mechanics in your software. The hard push of SECs and iDolz is a major dissapointment (for me at least), but I guess that it's just about money at the end of the day.:-/
Instead to install iDolzWhat is iDolz? That doesn't exist. It's called Dolz.
So a person can exchange two obscenely expensive Special Event Cards that they just got for 1 Joker card (now they can purchase 1 old SEC). Is that supposed to be exciting?
It is not 3 SE cards in one day but 3 SE cards in 3 weeks. Rayna on 16.06, Sky Pierce on 23.06 and Elle Mira on 30.06. I think it is a lot in one month.
nothing actually being on sale.
Look.. I get it, I'm just somewhat dissappointed and frustrated about the way it now works...
Ok .. fair, I'll admit there are things on sale.
I don't know anything about the Summer Sale game
and while it may be possible to get cards at a discount
Personally I would not have used the word sale - but that is because I think it is a poor choice not an incorrect one.
But to get discounts, I now have to first give money to the man at the door.
I don't know the current game and don't want to.
On the other hand, maybe we should stop kidding ourselves. Games are gambling. It's not a sale.
For me the important aspect of a sale is that a selection of goods are offered at a lower price than they have previously been offered.
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