Which istripper fan wants to pay € 65,- for 1 card?
Current price
700 ETH = $1.086.057,00
It is realy there
Can I buy one of these cards from someone who own it without crypto?
@Wyldanimal Thanks. I was hoping there was some ingenious workaround since I want the future Sofi Vega card. Guess not.
earlier today
There are 4 rarity levels of the cards. each card within a given level is serialized.
Legendary ( the most exclusive level ) maybe 1000 or less of this Level will be released.
Interactive Example Card Image- non-serialized
Epic is the next Level, maybe 2500 or less of these.
Interactive Example Card - non-serialized
Rare is next, Maybe 5000 or less of these
Interactive Example Card - non-serialized
then Limited is the least rare of the 4 levels. Should be enough released so anyone that wants one, can purchase one using $Dolz.
Interactive Example Card - non-serialized
Apart rarity (and consequent pricing), what are the actual differences, if any, between the 4 different versions of same DOLZ card? Thanks in advance.
On Lana Lane, these were three extra full-nudity clips totalling around 5 minutes extra. What you get will be different on each show.
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