plan to suspend image posting in the forum by mid August@Manue I assume that means ALL images including iStripper images from the cards?
And if we cannot post images how do we sort problems in the futureThe Article is handling not that type of images, which you have published here in this specific Topic.
those links to Discord do not work - I've never got it to work.
And will these rules apply to Discord also?Discord is NOT part of Totems Business holdings.
so Totem has no requirements to keep records on what happens on Discord.
UPDATED November 3rd 2021
A new Way to get Validated on the Discord Server
Use this NEW Invite to the Rules and Validation Channel React ( Click On ) The RED iStripper Emoji
"we don't have the work ***** to manually review all images uploaded in real time."
...where you can belong to a school club, a gaming group, or a worldwide art community. Where just you and a handful of friends can spend time together. A place that makes it easy to talk every day and hang out more often.
I had a discord Member for some of my Gaming.
I Joined the iStripper Discord using that same member.
Now, I wish I had created a new Member just for the Adult Groups
So I could keep the Gaming on one Member, and the Adult stuff on a different one.
I feel it is too late to go through the trouble to start over
So you can Learn from my Experience.
If you Already have a discord Membership.
Consider making a new one to use to Join the Adult Groups.
If you Don't already have one, then you are fine.
but if you find you want to Join some other non-Adult Groups.
That would be when you consider making a New Discord Member.
This is only coming from Mastercard, right?? So what if Totem removes Mastercard from being accepted for purchasing credits, if its possible. Not all credit cards are accepted everywhere. Such as how Costco only accepts credit card payments by Mastercard, and no other credit card companies.
Et bien sûr rappelez-vous pourquoi ces nouvelles règles sont nécessaires. Trop de femmes et d’enfants sont pris avec des personnes malfaisantes, utilisées et maltraitées. Cela arrivera toujours, mais peut-être que le fait de rendre plus difficile pour eux d’en tirer profit aidera à le réduire et à sauver certaines des victimes.
If you want to believe this will make a difference, you can. But I highly doubt it, there are so many ways to get around the rules when you want to.@Philours I was trying to be positive about the reasons for this, not letting my prejudices blacken my thinking, but I see you are thinking along the lines I had in my head too. That everything we do is now monitored. I hope at least part of it is my original thought. Final thing, now with Discord we are all open to another line of scam attacks, so beware of that.
I see it more as a tracking of our private activities on the net.
We are being watched. The word "Freedom" will soon be forgotten. Also see the health pass. We are going down this path. Where all our acts will be listed, recorded and kept!
1984 by Georges Orwell seems very infantile compared to the society which is gradually imposing itself on us.
In addition, is Master Card a legal authority to demand such control and what law is it based on ???
I pity the guy who has to watch my sad little life!@pantalone mine too, although we are monitored automatically in most of what we do, but the information is buried with everyone elses, so safety in numbers, hidden away. Only if we commit some ***** crime then all the hindsight brigade appear and claim the warning signs were there.
Just noticed a whole load of new threads appearing on Discord - nothing in them yet - but someone is having a busy time setting things up over there.
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