Sofi Vega - Bootleg Boogie - e1751 - iStripper
I've been with iStripper for many years now but it doesn't look like I'll be buying any additional credits in the future. The reason? It appears that high heels staying on the models' feet is a thing of the past. Barefeet and tatoos seem to be the defining characteristics of this site now. Of course, I have to admit that Inflation is taking its toll, here, in the U.S. That plays a part.I have about 6 cards worth of credits left and that will be it for me. I'll use them sparingly (like I used to do with Special Event cards) in the rare instance where the dreaded bare feet are kept under wrap.I'm happy with the cards I've purchased thoughout the years. That's quite a bit to keep myself entertained.
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