Sometimes I can download a photo in a few seconds, but it often takes 10 seconds or more.Sometimes or at least not so often i can confirm this.
This seems to be a very long time for a 1 or 2 mg file.Yes but it depends mostly on the Serverload of the Targetserver, nothing unusual.
xxx@FF2004:~$ speedtest-cli
Retrieving configuration...
Testing from Vodafone Kabel Deutschland (
Retrieving server list...
Selecting best server based on ping...
Hosted by xxx [xxx km]: 36.542 ms
Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: 207.32 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed......................................................................................................
Upload: 13.56 Mbit/s
Am I doing something wrong?Nevermind, like i said sometimes the Targetserver has a bad Connection, nothing unusual.
I have a very fast internet connection.You can use this Tool >
Why does it say preview ***** when I have just purchased some strippers?
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