Is anyone using the clip timing function of the Playlist Generator? In version 2 I tried to capture the play time of clips because the algorithm I was using was not always accurate. For a while I used this capability myself, but discovered that measuring the play time of a clip through my application had a lot of randomness too. Also, this capability only works correctly in small mode when only one card is played at a time. It also works for large mode, but I have never tested it for full screen.I'm considering removing this capability from the Playlist Generator because it's a maintenance problem. I'll either remove it completely or retain the ability to manually enter a more correct playtime. If I do the latter, I'll retain the ability to export and import playtimes, but with much simpler logic.There is also a capability of maintaining a log of clips played. This too has limited value. In particular, it doesn't capture all the clips played when multipe clips are play in small mode. For a while I found it to be a useful debugging tool, but I haven't used it from more than a year.Is anyone using the log capability?Would anyone have a problem if I removed both of these capabilties?
What I am looking for is basically a way to see all up which model and which card are played the most to least and how much time.
The Now Playing seems to consume too much CPU power.
Might just need to wait for them to put something in the program itself that shows your top played and least played cards/clips.
I pulled "play time min".
I'm thinking of adding a "My rating" field for models, cards and clips. This would be a decimal number on which you could filter and sort. Would you use such a thing? With my existing logic this would be easy to add.
I would be very tempted to generalise this. Rather than have a single "My Rating" field why not allow a user to define several such ratings with names chosen by the user.
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