Hi, Really sorry for any inconvenience caused. For further information please check this link :https://www.istripper.com/forum/thread/39075/1?soft_navigate=ExternDefaultBrowser#post575384Du bist nicht befugt dieses Thema zu sehen oder auf mit dem Thema verwandte Daten zuzugreifen
That was the thread I was looking for last night.
Apologies - the Advent Calendar got in the way of my searching,
You can see this if you use a simple shader that does nothing to a clip - the result is that the clip is displayed upside down.
It would be trivial for Totem to fix the left-right ***** - but that would mean that thousands of user created scenes that have already allowed for this peculiarity would then have to be modified. Fixing the original problem would create a bigger problem than just leaving it as it is. There are times when it is preferable to stick with an established sub-optimal behaviour rather than change it to be more "correct".
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