As far as "entitlement problems" are concerned what I see is a relatively small subset of customersWhat you see is the tip of the iceberg and they shouldn't act like the larger part is not there under the surface.
Assuming that all members who speak their mind here represent all lines of thought. It is fair to believe that this subset is not so small in terme of percentage.
50 of you have earned this joker card and were able to get Melena's special card if they hadn't won it when scratching.
That Means that 50 members won Joker cards
and If they Didn't already Win the Melena card in the Scratch Game,
they can use the Joker card to obtain it..
as we weir told after wards & only after that the "Joker cards" weir givin or won bye ppl or ppls that didn't win the assigned card or a SEC during that event!!That is NOT what was posted at all.
@Wyldanimal , @TheEmu Check these Joker Card winners names : @Mandalor , @shinshan , @asrgf , @Alex_1 , @Wonka , @CAMON , @Shadow24 ?Did they magically change their names ?On My Profile, Pseudo info button says, "You can't change your pseudonyme once chosen".They do not exist in Forum, Members, Search...
That's quite a long speech but I totally agree with the way you see things and that's exactly how I see it.
And any of the OTHER games that promise I WILL win a card of SOME sort? Sorry, but if the card you are gonna give me is already 5 years old and in 1080p or 720p and I didn't buy it 5 years ago or SINCE then, why on earth do you think I'd be happy winning THAT card to begin with? I haven't wanted it for 5 years already. Heck, just send me something else useless for my hard earned money I give you.
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