Has anyone here got a clue how to change the number and/or order of scenes within a single model card?
The order in which those scenes are played seems rather arbitrary, the next part does not start where the last part ends.
I followed stefnev1's hint (above) and created a playlist of 5 clips of a certain model, saved the Playlist und loaded (mounted) it again. The system will neither play all the 5 clips nor will it play them in the order of the playlist. What is a playlist for if nevertheless I have to choose the order of the clips manually (and often not knowing if a clip of the next erotic level will match the clip before?)
In the Scene code, a playlist name could be assigned to that clip position.
So all of the clips for that particular position and pulled from that specific playlist.
I'm working on a Mac, maybe that's a problem?
P.S. Remains the problem that you know the erotic level on which the clip ends, but never know the erotic level it starts. Am I right?
I believe you are correct with one exception. One of the bits encoded in a clip's file number indicates "nude at start".
P.S. Remains the problem that you know the erotic level on which the clip ends, but never know the erotic level it starts. Am I right?
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