I don't know if Totem's slot machine uses their own type of video animation player or is it something like Adobe Flash Player?
Often, I've seen some websites with error messages saying I need to update to the latest Flash version. Could this be the cause?
This isn't Flash Player. Those offers (including Slot Machine) are based on AJAX, so JavaScript, some containers for the data returned from server (JSON objects in this case) and some server side scripting, in this case probably PHP. Everything is nicely packed in HTML and CSS. Applications created in this way should work in every web browser.
To the point. I wanted to know what is happening with this Slot machine on older Windows systems and decided to take out my old laptop from the dark depths of a large wardrobe.
This old laptop has Windows XP SP3 installed. Testing with iStripper 1.2.174, 1.2.180, 1.2.182, 1.2.186 and 1.2.190. Animations works fine, girls are stripping as they should, but there is a problem with sound. Audio is not working with any of these versions.
How about the Slot Machine? Well, it's not working neither. Actually none of tested versions of the app worked for me. Slot Machine should work on versions 1.2.182 and above. On older versions I expected some message, such as "You have to upgrade iStripper to enjoy this offer" or similar. I didn't get any message. Updated to the newest version (1.2.190), spinned the machine and I get the massege "1 spin for 1 credit". So I clicked the CONTINUE button and... nothing happened.
Quick look at the vghd.log and I can see this:
2018-02-18T13:05:07[] WARNING[defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer"]
Google Search told me that this is a common problem on Windows XP, because:
On Windows XP, Qt Multimedia uses DirectShow (and WMF for Windows Vista and later). The DirectShow plugin binary is not included in the Qt 5.0 package (only the WMF plugin is).
This Slot Machine has implented over a dozen of different sounds (mp3 files). The sounds are playing in the background and when you do certain actions, such as pulling the lever. When you are pulling the lever, the javascript function is invoked and the sound should play (among other actions). However, if there is a problem with sound and sound can not be played in the Qt environment, the function probably returns an error and stops running. I used the word "probably" because I don't have an access to the console and I'm not sure of this.
Could someone look at the
vghd.log file and see if there is similar warning as I posted above?
You can find this file in
[ISTRIPPER_INSTALL_PATH]\data directory.
There is a temporary solution. As i mentioned above, you can open the Slot Machine in any web browser and probably play even on your mobile devices. I tried this on Google Chrome 49 and Firefox 28 and it's working. The old Firefox had some problems with new CSS stylesheets, anyway the Slot machine is working. I spent few credits for testing... In the name of the Science :)
Open this link in your favourite web browser:
You have to be logged to iStripper website. If you're not logged, you will see Error 401 (Access Denied). Let us know if it's working for you.
Above link has been obtained from vghd.log file.