he XXX content is the extra entertainment in their own type of card.
I didnt meen to insult you yuufa. I just really miss the original xxx card. Im sorry
It was also possible Totem Entertainment had added bit more xxx content as example by some of the cards from Kira Thorn, Tina Kay and Estonika, their cards are new xxx cards aswell.With this I sentence I want to say I dont understand why Estonika have XXX Cards with some decent XXX Clips, Sound and Time Duration while Mila Azul in comparison just have two clips with duration 4mn. And of course I gave a few examples.
Terbone's Mindset: How fewer the XXX Content is in Time Duration, the more arousal and orgasmes seems to be fake to me..
It was also possible Totem Entertainment had added bit more xxx content as example by some of the cards from Kira Thorn, Tina Kay and Estonika, their cards are new xxx cards as well.
The question I was asking was "Where did you get the information about content being added to Kira's, Tina's and Estonika's cards ?".
@Terbone - for me the 2-2-2 split between your three card categories is far too heavily weighted in favour of XXX cards. For me just two or three cards per week with any XXX content is about right, e.g. a 5-2-1 or 5-1-2 split over a week.
@orclover, I respectfully have to disagree with you on the issue of photos. You may have no use for these, but all of us that do artwork in the forum need these.
You cannot find these kind of pictures of porn stars anywhere, not these types of poses with an all white background, so that we can remove the model and paste her elsewhere. No other porn site does these kind of pictures, none, ever, and probably never will.
I was amazed that Totem does shoot full body shots on a white background and encourages members to create art with them. Without these pictures the forum would be boring for me and I would probably stop visiting it and just enjoy the girls on my desktop.
I have made many friends on this site that I would never have known if it weren't for the artwork we share.
I would agree that we can find more, better, and longer videos of most of the models on other sites, but this is a tool for many of us to see the model naked before purchasing a card, since the demos are clothed. I would not be opposed to eliminating the videos if the demos included more nudity, so we know what we are buying.
But, please, don't take my pictures away!
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