Istripper has to provide a distinction from METART and other similar softcore sites because those are free sites, with the advent of pornhub and piracy. I can see all of the METART girls anytime I want for free. Hell, instead of buying more Naomi, Nancy, etc cards I just go on metart or Playboy Europe and watch them dance slowly and boringly like they do on istripper, there is literally no distinction. What the American studio offered was a glimpsed of actual stripper shows, and a distinction from HC or Metart. The Viola, Nekane, Lucy Li, Merry Pie era also brought that distinction because thoses were so different from the softcore content. Because they can entertain. The new crop of Eastern Girls, Gloria, Nancy, Sybil, Naomi, are SOOOO boring. One card is enough to get the jist of their skill. I think Totem recognizes this as they seem to be making an effort to bring in eastern girls who can dance, "Antonia". I am pissed they shutdown American studio because they just cut off 100-200 cards of unique content a year because they messed up the the istripper roll out with their free demos, and the continue to shoot each euro girl for 4 days even though their 12 cards are all identical. They may be a small company but they have the corner on a market that could explode if done properly, and they keep playing to our ***** that they will shutdown. They could make a commitment to the American studio in LA, since they obviously screwed up the Vegas lease, and only shoot eastern girls for 3 cards and a 1 day shoot, since those girls have almost no skills that need to be displayed over 6-12 cards. The first 20 American girls were also very poor compared to the last 20, which means a longer term commitment will likely lead to more success and profit from the studio. Or who cares about American studio but instead make a committment to shooting more girls from France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, and Italy. What we get is a bunch of people saying sorry to a CEO because they made mistakes, and have to cut the quality of the product dramatically. I LOVE TOTEM, I SUPPORT TOTEM, I HAVE SPENT THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ON TOTEM, but THIS ENTIRE SITUATION SUCKS, and my love, support, and spending has and will drop in the future not only because of the shutdown but the ***** of customers.