to HombreSinSombra
I understand what you are saying, but that is not an issue with me, but thanks fort the feedback :)
One glaring issue I have noticed is if for whatever reason, if a connection is lost, even for a second, nothing will happen, the program will come to a compleate halt unless you quite the program and restart, This is not normal as I have not had this issue with anything esle I download with. I think they need a system so that if a connection is broken in anyway, it retries the connection. Many people have Wifi, and though this is not a common issue, it does happen now and then, its wifi.
Anyway, I'm trying to keep interest in this, espesially since they got Maria Ryabushkina to be a part of this, but I'm not gonna buy new cards until I have downloaded the ones I already bought.
Im sorry but its a terrible download system, let us download the stuff we buy in zips, that way things like IDM can download whole shows in a few minutes, it would only be the raw files so I don't see how that can be of any worth to pirates considering people could just upload the raw files now after downloading them, espesially since you need the software that checks everything anyway. would make life with this software so much simpler, plus you would know that you got all the correct files in tact, unlike the broken files you seem to get now.
Just saying