Z22, when I try this scene the model looks as if I am very ***** and out of focus,having double vision..
Is this how it is suposed to look?
@Z22 there is no scene in your Model.rar folder
@Z22 il n'y a pas de scène dans votre dossier Model.rar
@Z22,They are probably different versions, just not numbered. That was the first attempt at 3d and was superceded by a much better method, then TheEMU did another, then i did yet another way (vive has the newest version).
"Z22_3D_Shader_V1.0.rar" & "Z22_3D_V2.0.rar" contain the same scenes, i.e.: "Stack_3D.scn" & "Stack_3D_SBS.scn"
"Z22_3D_Shader_V1.0.rar" & "Z22_3D_V2.0.rar" contiennent les mêmes scènes soit : "Stack_3D.scn" & "Stack_3D_SBS.scn"
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