@polymorph The syntax of the animate clause is
animate : time, repeat-type, curve-type, attribute, amplitude
Time is the duration of one cycle of the animation in seconds.
repeat-type is one of
forward - do once in the forward diredtion
backward - do once in he reverse direction
loopforward - as forward but jump back start again when the end is reach
loopbackward - as backward but jump back start again when the end is reach
pingpong - repeat by alternating forward and backward movements
Any misspelling will be interpreted as "forward" (which may be why littleevlme thought that linear could be used as repeat type
curve-type is one of
Linear, InQuad, OutQuad, InOutQuad, OutInQuad, InCubic, OutCubic, InOutCubic, OutInCubic,
InQuart, OutQuart, InOutQuart, OutInQuart, InQuint, OutQuint, InOutQuint, OutInQuint,
InSine, OutSine, InOutSine, OutInSine, InExpo, OutExpo, InOutExpo, OutInExpo,
InCirc, OutCirc, InOutCirc, OutInCirc, InElastic, OutElastic, InOutElastic, OutInElastic,
InBack, OutBack, InOutBack, OutInBack, InBounce, OutBounce, InOutBounce, OutInBounce,
InCurve, OutCurve, SineCurve, CosineCurve
misspellings are treated as linear.
For graphs of the various curves supported by the animate: clause see
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qeasingcurve.html attribute - identifies what is being animated. Many of a scene node's properties can be animated, e.g. pos, rot, size, scale, color, opacity. For the camera node you can animate pos, target and angle.
amplitude is the amount by which the attribute will be varied. This will be a list of one to three values depending on which attribute the is being animated.