I'm getting old - I have not a clue what you just said!Yes i'm saying the same thing to me, but i will try to Help you :)
id: DoSomethingWeird
size: 3840, 2160
pos: 1920, 1080
source: Girl
shader: TurnInsideOut.fsh
refactoring is basically re-writing code to make it more efficient/smaller... i think. well... thats what i meant anyway.
id: Feedback
size: 3840, 2160
source: empty/
id: Tex
size: 3840, 2160
source: Textures/natural-fence.jpg
camera {
type: 2D
size: 3840, 2160
pos: 1920, 1080
//source: Invert
pos: -900, 0
scale: 0.6, 0.5
source: Refract
// Last sprite will be the input to the Feedbackbuffer next frame.
opacity: 0.0 // If only using for feedback you can set to 0.0.
source: Hue
dist == (distance(G, H));
dist = (distance(G, H));i get a different result.
for (float y=(0.0); y<5.01; y+=1.0)
for (float x=(0.5*-y); x<0.5*y; x+=0.5)
x *=2.0;
vec2 p1 = vTexCoord.xy + Offset * vec2(x, y);
for (float y=(0.0); y<5.01; y+=1.0)
for (float x=(0.5*-y); x<0.5*y; x+=0.5)
vec2 p1 = vTexCoord.xy + Offset * vec2(x*2.0, y);
for (float y=(0.0); y<25.01; y+=1.0)
float xd = (0.25*y);
float xdm = (0.26*y);
for (float x=(-xd); x<xdm; x+=(xd))
for (float y=(0.0); y<25.01; y+=1.0)
float xd = (0.25*y);
float xdm = xd+0.1;
for (float x=(-xd); x<xdm; x+=(xd))
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