@WA - it's fun to experiment.
framebuffer {
id: myquad01
size: 960, 540
quad {
size: 960, 540 //1920, 1080
hotspot: 0.0, 0.0
pos: 0, 0, 0
shader: fragment, Shaders/Undulating ColumnsMod01.fsh
sprite {
hotspot: 0.5, 0.5
pos: 0, 0, 0
source: myquad01
size: 960, 540
scale: 1.0, -1.0// inverts the previous shader
#ifdef GL_ES
precision lowp float;
ERROR: 1:163: 'textureLod' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion)
ERROR: 1:163: 'textureLod' : function is not known
WARNING: 1:186: 'function' : is not available in current GLSL version texelFetch]
#version 460
#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable
#define lowp
#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable
gl_FragColor.rgb += textureLod(iChannel0, r, 5.).rrr * fr * sh2;
gl_FragColor.rgb += textureLod(iChannel0, r.xy, 5.).rrr * fr * sh2;
#define PI 3.141592654
#define iMouse AUTO_MOUSE
#define MOUSE_SPEED vec2(0.5,0.577777) * 0.2
#define MOUSE_POS vec2((1.0+cos(iTime*MOUSE_SPEED))*u_WindowSize/2.0)
#define MOUSE_PRESS vec2(0.0,0.0)
const float pi = 3.14159265358979323;
#version 460
#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable
#define lowp
//Undulating ColumnsMod01.fsh by fizzer
// Licence CC0
// Adapted, trivialy, for use in VGHD player
uniform float u_Elapsed; // The time elapsed in seconds since the beginning of the scene.
uniform vec2 u_WindowSize; // This is the dimensions of the viewport.
#define iResolution u_WindowSize
#define iTime u_Elapsed //*0.31416
const float pi = 3.14;
float pieceDist(vec3 p, float th, int n, float r, float rs)
vec2 delta = vec2(sin(th), cos(th));
float y = 0.;
float d = dot(vec2(delta.y, -delta.x), vec2(length(p.xz) - r, p.y - y));
float r0 = 0.;
float l = length(p.xz);
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
r0 = (.07 + cos(float(i + n) + iTime / 2.) * .04) * rs;
y += delta.y * r0;
r += delta.x * r0;
float td = length(vec2(l - r, p.y - y)) - r0;
if((i & 1) == 0)
d = min(d, td);
d = max(d, -td);
y += delta.y * r0;
r += delta.x * r0;
return max(d, p.y - y);
vec4 piece(vec3 p, vec2 org, float th, int n, float r, float rs)
return vec4(org.x, org.y, pieceDist(p - vec3(org.x, 0, org.y), th, n, r, rs), r);
vec4 u(vec4 a, vec4 b)
return a.z < b.z ? a : b;
vec4 scene(vec3 p)
vec4 res = vec4(0, 0, 1e4, 0);
res = u(res, piece(p, vec2(0), -.2, 13, .5, 1.));
res = u(res, piece(p, vec2(1.5, 0), -.0,9, .2, 1.));
res = u(res, piece(p, vec2(-.7, -.9), -.0, 8, .3, 1.3));
res = u(res, piece(p, vec2(-1.5, .1), -.5, 5, .8, 2.));
res = u(res, piece(p, vec2(.5, .7), -.05, 12, .2, 1.));
res.z = min(res.z, p.y);
return res;
float map(vec3 p)
return scene(p).z;
// Soft shadow for SDF, from IQ and Sebastian Aaltonen:
// https://www.shadertoy.com/view/lsKcDD
float calcSoftshadow( in vec3 ro, in vec3 rd, in float mint, in float tmax, int technique, float s )
float res = 1.0;
float t = mint;
float ph = 1e10; // big, such that y = 0 on the first iteration
for( int i=0; i<55; i++ )
float h = map( ro + rd*t );
// traditional technique
if( technique==0 )
res = min( res, s*h/t );
// improved technique
// use this if you are getting artifact on the first iteration, or unroll the
// first iteration out of the loop
//float y = (i==0) ? 0.0 : h*h/(2.0*ph);
float y = h*h/(2.0*ph);
float d = sqrt(h*h-y*y);
res = min( res, s*d/max(0.0,t-y) );
ph = h;
t += h;
if( res<0.0001 || t>tmax ) break;
return clamp( res, 0.0, 1.0 );
// Forward-difference SDF gradients.
vec3 distG(vec3 p)
vec2 e = vec2(1e-4, 0);
return vec3(map(p + e.xyy), map(p + e.yxy), map(p + e.yyx)) -
vec3(map(p - e.xyy), map(p - e.yxy), map(p - e.yyx));
void render( out vec4 gl_FragColor, in vec2 gl_FragCoord )
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy * 2. - 1.;
uv.x *= iResolution.x / iResolution.y;
vec3 ro = vec3(-.3, .8, 4.2), rd = normalize(vec3(uv, -3.));
float t = 2.5;
for(int i = 0; i < 110; ++i)
float d = map(ro + rd * t);
if(abs(d) < 1e-4)
if(t > 10.)
t += d;
vec3 rp = ro + rd * t;
vec3 n = normalize(distG(ro + rd * t));
vec3 r = reflect(rd, n);
vec3 ld = normalize(vec3(-1, 1, 1));
float sh = calcSoftshadow(ro + rd * t, ld, 1e-2, 1e3, 0, 2.);
float sh2 = calcSoftshadow(ro + rd * t, r, 1e-2, 1e3, 0, 10.);
vec3 diff = .5 + .5 * cos(rp.y * vec3(3, 2, 5) * .5 + vec3(.6, 0, .6));
vec4 sp = scene(rp);
diff = mix(vec3(1), diff, smoothstep(.1, .12,abs(fract(.1 + atan(rp.z - sp.y, rp.x - sp.x) / pi * 5.) - .5)));
if(abs(rp.y) < 1e-2 || t > 9.)
diff = vec3(.5, .75, 1.) * smoothstep(-.1, .15, distance(rp.xz, sp.xy) - sp.a);
gl_FragColor.rgb = diff;
gl_FragColor.rgb *= mix(.5, 1., sh) * vec3(max(0., .6 + .4 * dot(n, ld)));
void main( void )
//void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
gl_FragColor.a = 1.;
gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(0);
// Anti-aliasing loop
vec4 rc;
render(rc, gl_FragCoord.xy);
gl_FragColor.rgb += clamp(rc.rgb, 0., 1.);
gl_FragColor.rgb = pow(clamp(gl_FragColor.rgb, 0., 1.), vec3(1. / 2.2));
#version 460
#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable
#define lowp
//Undulating ColumnsMod02WA.fsh by fizzer
// Licence CC0
// Adapted, trivialy, for use in VGHD player
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