I have one more idea to add to this discussion, expanding on what's been said in the past (and the future):
posted by doubleDiamond
@Virt4B in a future off-topic thread:
Du bist nicht befugt dieses Thema zu sehen oder auf mit dem Thema verwandte Daten zuzugreifen
best solution I see is the possibility to use more storage folders like discussed in this thread:
(pointing here, to this thread)
It would be very cool if the software could handle more storage folders on different external drives at the same time.
That would be a great invention for the future of this software cause data will keep on growing...
In this thread,
@WyldAnimal discusses the possibility of splitting the models folder over 2 hard drives, but it's technical, risky and cumbersome for new users. If I understand correctly, I can see that his example could, in theory, be multiplied to allow for expansion across several HD's, perhaps with a separate desktop icon for each drive. This option still limits access to the clips on only 1 drive at a time, per instance of the VG software. (I don't know if you can run more than 1 instance - not my point here anyway.) It's a work-around to the software. As is the suggestion that I buy a bigger drive each year to replace the one I already have.
Expanding on
@Virt4B's thoughts, if Totem would expand the selection box to include the possibility to add several "location of my shows" instead of just one and write all of those locations to the registry. In theory, you could then use several USB drives to save your models and still be able to access all clips seamlessly in one instance of VG. The aim here is to incorporate this idea into an idiot-proof program-controlled spanning of several drives. Then again, maybe that's more trouble for the developers.
(Sorry to dig up old memories by resurrecting this thread... Perhaps someone will adjust my knowledge of the rules of etiquette?)