Well, guys, when I use the term "horny tease" I am writing from a personal point f view. Also, I am writing in relative rather than absolute terms.
I can only judge by the cards, I own.
I only own three cards of Carmen, one of which is a duo.
In general when watch Chickita'a cards, horny tease comes comes to mind. When I watch Carmen's cards, many nice words come to mind, but not horny tease. That is just me.
It really comes down to the costumes. Chickita's costumes in the cards I own are much more conventional and thus she is horny in the real-world-seeing-a-lady-in-the-street sense. Plus Chickita uses her costumes well.
The costumes I have in Carmen's cards are not conventional every day wear. So i see her more as a cabaret girl at the moment. Perhaps that will chage if I get more cards.
Some will know what my preferences are. The simple fact is that Chickita coincides with these preferences more than Carmen in the cards I own.