New Version 1.5 of VG PlaylistManager released Important Changes:
-New Playmode: Cliptype_Random: Selects a show then randomly a cliptype (standing, on taskbar, pole or behind taskbar) and plays all clips of that cliptype in progressive hotness. Then it selects the next show
- Improved behaviour: GUI will now pop up after the last clip has been played not when the last clip started to play.
- Increased Compatibility with Wyldanimals VGHD Player: It is now possible to save the playlists as VGHD Player Favorite list(3rd image) so you can use them as input for the VGHD Player also. With this update the VG Playlist Manager is able to read and write VGHD Player Favorite Lists.
It can also append to an existing Favorite List.
- Technical Change: The JRegistrykey.dll is not required any more. A native Java funtion is used now. So it will now also work on a 64Bit JRE
-new Function: Next Show in the systray menu(2nd image): Here the paragraph from the readme. Read it carefully:
Allows you to switch to another show under the precondition you are not using the Playmode ‘Random’ and there is still more than just 1 show in the playlist.
IMPORTANT: This is NOT instantaneous! It will just replace the NEXT clip to be played by the VG Software by a clip from another show, which means the clip currently played will finish before you see a clip from another show. The current show is not removed just skipped. It’s more like a ‘later’ function meaning the show you are currently watching will be played later. The clip that was scheduled to be played next will be put back into the list of not played clips, so it is not lost.
The function is not available for playmode ‘random’ as this playmode always switches the show after it played one clip.
- A few bugfixes concerning the countdown of clips/shows while a playlist is being played. It didn't work at all for fullshow playmode.
Here are the links: you like my work you might consider using the Donate button. But a nice comment here or via PM is also very much appreciated.
And just the jar file for updating from V1.3 or V1.4: Thanks
@tyqi19my, Zebrazuk, FalconAF and Wyldanimal for the support