Jackalope - I apologise to you and the rest of the community. You are right. I was just very frustrated about how rapidly my opinion of the software had sunk once I realised how dependant on the carousel we are on the getting a single credit price on the cards we want. I know everyone has their own view of what constitutes attractiveness and it was wrong of me to use derogatry language. Not very like me usually I assure you.
I did follow normal forum etiquette and did a search for existing threads on the subject but can't have used the right keywords as I didn't turn up anything. That's the only reason I started this one. Let's hope the developers do find a way to favour cards that haven't been seen before instead of handing us back the same ones, as it is frustrating to keep seeing girls whose looks put you off instead of turn you on.
Sillybill - If you have purchased cards but your collection says it is empty, does it say that through the site as well as the desktop player? Have you tried following any of the suggestions like ***** a "Synchronise with Server" on teh Advanced tab of the Settings within teh player, or by following the final instructions on this page