Since I already have my wallet from Metamask
I've not gone through the new process
So there is information that is Missing..
I bought Dolz tokens with my credit card, and it says it created a wallet called WERT.
What if Any information did you supply when you Purchased the Dolz with your Creditcard?
These are not Questions I expect you to post answers to, but instead questions to help you recall the steps and important information.
Obviously you gave your Credit card information.
Did you give an E-mail Address?
Did you have to use a Pass Code?
Did you have to Verify your Browser in any way?
Just now, I signed out of everything.
and I went through the Steps.
I sign in to Windows with a Microsoft Account, using a Biometric log in.
So when I created the Wert Wallet, I had to Sign in using my Biometric log in.
That became my Wallet Access. I use my Biometric log in, and it links my Wallet.
So I am Wondering, what steps you might have used when you made the DOLZ purchase?
When I visited the navMarket for the 1st time, It asked me to create an Account.
I gave it a Username and an New E-mail address
It sent a verification Code to the E-mail and I entered that.
Then It asked me to Connect my Wallet.
With Two Options.
Connect using Biometrics
or external web3 Wallet Connect.
Since I used Biometrics to create the Wert Wallet, I chose Biometrics
and almost Instantly, My Wert Wallet was Connected and I could purchase DOLZ cards on the navMarket.
I disconnected my Wallet from the NavMarket, and tried the External Wallet Connect.
and While there are quite a few choices, None of them is for the Wert Wallet.
Looking through the List, I remember that when the Wert Wallet was created, It said it was through
Cometh ConnectSo that is the one to Select:
Cometh ConnectSo I guess I'm out the $100 USD I spent on the WERT wallet since I can't actually do anything with it.
I would think that if you went back and selected Cometh Connect
it would connect you with the Wallet that has your $ in it.
Hope some of this helps