Luckily, I have both. And it was very nice re-downloading and re-watching them side by side at 85%... (they are both in my A playlist)
So then, if I understood well, you want to choose between
... or
Sexy3DBoy is rather spot on, to be honest, choice is impossible.
Otherwise it is rather easy as it depends on your mood at the very moment you will appreciate the Lady.
Cruzing the mood is more an "evening mood", you are somewhere in a party, and you meet her with this very sexy and hot very (very) short red dress (I hope you had a look at the previews, or at least full size standing image)...
And from there, you let go your imagination because, of course, she will have eyes only for you ... you only ... and you go together in another room, or try to have fun in a lift (take the lift with 100 floors minimum), or go on the flat roof where you will be alone under the sky and ...
Sexy shorty is perfect if you are in a soft mood, as if she was simply your girlfriend, summer time, and you go, say, for a long and romantic walk somewhere in a quiet place or in the nature. Or have her remove her shoes and cuddling you on the sofa while you watch a movie (or at least, try to watch the movie...).
Just a question of mood.
But both are very nice first choices indeed...